• Purpose Driven Leader - Purpose Driven Career

    What if 50 million senior executives' frustrations and aspirations could ignite social change AND profitable business?


    Order this groundbreaking global study by Cranfield University School of Management and Executiva Ltd for free below and contribute to the final version!

  • Why This Matters - In Numbers

    The 'no -retirement' generation will become a massive demographic group.


    What if developing leadership skills for shared value means we


    obtain career development skills for creating meaningful first, second and third careers?

    + 2.2 billion

    Additional 40-79 year olds in 2060

    (Source: UN)

    + 1.1 billion

    Additional 60-79 year olds in 2060

    (Source : UN)

    33.4 million

    Over 65's working in the USA in 2011

    (Source: US Census Bureau)

    1 million

    Over 65's working in the UK in 2015

    (Source: UK DWP)

    > 50 million

    Senior leaders in the world 

    (Source: LinkedIn)


    Unengaged managers globally

    (Source: Gallup)

  • Why This Matters - In Words

    Society wants business to help solve societal issues.

    Executives want to work for social AND financial purpose.


    The historic Cop21 and new Sustainable Development Goals will require senior leaders who can lead very differently.


    This is the why and how companies and senior leaders can re-equip themselves.


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    The world and society is changing

    Becoming externally and partnership oriented

    Today's senior leaders will be the decision makers for some time to come for increasingly externally driven enterprises but are often missed out in development programmes that focus on millennials and emerging leaders.

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    The 'no retirement' generation

    Owning our lives and careers

    Most senior executives need or want to continue working beyond the classic retirement age.

    The 'age pyramid' is becoming an 'age sausage', hence executives will have to stay in the workforce longer. They need to know how to prepare for planned and unexpected career changes.

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    The real succession planning

    Valuing leaders at all career stages

    Succession planning is becoming a hot topic with boards. Executives leaving or retiring unexpectedly due to changing career ambitions creates havoc. New innovative thinking is needed.

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    The new career paradigm

    Individualising career options

    At some point in our careers we want to give back to society. Our priorities change.

    Corporate career paths are linear and in perpetual ascendancy. Human beings are not linear.


    Step 1

    To get the ground breaking study:


    'Purpose Driven Leader - Purpose Driven Career'

    The quest for societal purpose and shared value in business and society will radically change leadership and career development for mid / late career executives.


    Please fill out this form to join our mailing list and to send feedback on the study.


    Privacy: We will not share your information beyond the organisations sponsoring this report.

  • Step 2 

    To download your report and read more click the button below.

  • Who We Are

    We're on a mission to inspire executives and companies to use the mid to late career stage as a formidable tool for personal, company and societal growth.

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    Anita Hoffmann


    Anita's passion is to help executives truly own their careers and direct their formidable experience into purpose driven change inside and outside their organisations.


    Anita Hoffmann is a Visiting Fellow at Cranfield School of Management Doughty Centre for Corporate Responsibility and MD of Executiva Ltd

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    David Grayson


    David is a social entrepreneur; championing responsible business and sustainable enterprise.


    David Grayson CBE is professor of Corporate Responsibility at Cranfield University School of Management & Director of the School's Doughty Centre for Corporate Responsibility

  • What We Do

    Show off your projects, features, or clients in this section.

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    Executiva Ltd

    Purpose Driven Executive Coaching, Search and Leadership Advisory

    Executiva works with organisations to attract and develop socially, ethically and economically-aware global leaders.


    We work with individual leaders to create purpose driven careers inside and outside their organisations.

    Executiva website

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    The Doughty Centre for Corporate Responsibility

    Cranfield School of Management

    The Doughty Centre for Corporate Responsibility works to empower current and future managers with the knowledge, skills, and desire to lead responsible, sustainably managed organisations.


    As a research centre within Cranfield University School of Management, it is uniquely positioned to engage with first-class research across disciplines, as part of the School's collective focus on ‘knowledge into action’.

    Doughty Centre Website

  • Connect With Us

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    Anita Hoffmann

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    David Grayson